Fishing reports

First week for Mystic Blue in Cape Verde


From 25 March to 30, Mystic Blue was out every day.
25/03: a nice 600 released, on lures, with client very happy.
Antonio was the angler, Manuel his mentor :)

26/03 : A 400 released, on lure again, after missing the fish on the switch bait.
First fish for Aylin here :)

27 nada

28: 2 fish, a small 100 lbs, on lure and a nice 350 on pitch bait.

29: Nada

30: a nice 350 on a pitch, with nice jumps next to the boat.

What a biginning, 6 days fishing, 8 bites, 5 fish hooked, and the fishing was low..
the clients were very happy, the crew did a fantastic job.
If you want to come fish with us, don't wait.
We take care of all, including food and beverage, and even a very nice salad made on the boat :) while waiting the bites